The Re-Rooted Project

In July 2017 we received £10,000 pounds from the Awards for All, Big Lottery Fund. 

We provide services to enable people who present with additional support needs to increase their physical activity levels as a route to helping improve health and well-being along with personal development programmes that can help improve self and social confidence.

The activities we provided included canoeing, kayaking, archery, stand-up-paddle-boarding, hiking and bushcraft for individuals and groups, in particular for young people who are deemed at increased risk or hard to help, so as to improve their chances of achieving a fulfilling life.

We used the funding to support a venture in partnership with North Walsham Rugby Club and Norfolk County Council Short Stay Schools Team.

Funding through this supported a year-long project, providing activities for young people aged 11 to 18 years old and who were accessing emergency homes and alternative education provision due to being at risk of or currently excluded from mainstream school environments, breakdown in foster and other family environments and placements, and presenting with additional support and learning needs.



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